Jem's Graphs is Here
What a month it’s been! Did you see my blog post about making a cool crochet app? Well, I began making that at Hacksoton on 1st April. It is now 30th April and it’s ready to launch! Woooo!

Wait, what is it again?
I made a cool app which takes an image, and turns it into a graph. A crocheter can then use that graph to make a blanket. It’s now online at There’s been a lot of love poured into this app, including things like a live demo right there on the home page, a painting function and a yarn shopping list.

What I really love is that I imported a list of Stylecraft yarns, and now the app uses that list to auto select a palette of colours. So basically, there’s no guessing which yarns match up to the picture as it tells you right there! I’ve also spent some time crocheting small graphs in different stitch styles. This means you can select which stitch you want and Jem’s Graphs will tell you how much of each yarn you need. It also translates that into the number of balls you’d need to buy AND how much that’ll cost. I’ve also hooked up each picture of the yarn to the relavent page on Deramores so you can buy it if you need to. Someone who is logged in can also access a neat “Check out at Deramores” button which will fill your Deramores basket automatically!

Join my launch party
Tonight it is #CraftHour and #HandmadeHour on twitter. I am joining in with my Twitter account JemsYarns and I’m going to live crochet one of the graphs from the homepage. I am looking forward to it hope to see you there!

PS for reading this far use the code BLOGBESTIES for 60% off of my Jem’s Graphs site, so you can upload your own images to turn into graphs. Just it add in the coupon code box when you sign up!